The Process of Property Development in Perth

The Process of Property Development in Perth

Jubilee Home Builders are a leading property development builder in Perth. Jubilee’s expert residential construction team specialise in wealth-generating multi-unit developments and beautiful custom homes.

Our strength lies in our ability to offer a simple and complete service. Our expert property development build team can manage your entire project – from soil testing and engineering, through to development application and approval, and completion of the project.

The success of your project is centred around a good working relationship, based on clear communication. Before commencing your project, it’s important that we explain the process, be aware of the requirements of your land, understand your goals and talk about budget expectations. 

An important point to note with any multi-unit development is that the local Council decides how many dwellings you can build based on the overall design of your proposed development. 

There are many factors that affect how many dwellings you can build, including:

  • site orientation to the sun in relation to shadowing on neighbouring properties
  • car parking and space for cars to turn
  • windows on the abutting land that are close to the boundary, and
  • the slope of the land

Being aware of these types of considerations involved in property development will help you make informed decisions. Being a highly experienced property development builder in Perth, we pride ourselves on making sure you are well equipped with information from the beginning, placing you in a position with the best chance of success. 

At Jubilee, we highly recommend undertaking market research prior to purchasing a development site. Meet with several real estate agents, compare current market prices versus previous sales, and ensure your development could be priced competitively and in line with the current market value. 

Other key factors to consider when developing is what type of monetary return you are wanting to achieve. Are you looking for ongoing revenue from rent? Do you want more equity? Do you want a larger cash payout? Perhaps it’s even a combination of these things, or perhaps you’re developing for personal and family dwelling purposes.

Once you have done your research and have gotten clear on your objectives and found a potential development site, the Jubilee Home Builder process often looks like this:

  • A phone call to discuss your needs and design brief
  • Customised, practical advice
  • Feasibility Assessment
  • Design Fee Proposal
  • Face to face meeting
    • Get to know you 
    • Discuss needs
    • Timeline
    • Questions
  • Design Agreement
  • Design process 
    • Draft Plan issued for review
    • Meeting to discuss the draft plan
    • Changes implemented and issued for review
    • Submission to the council for planning permit application (if multi-unit project)
  • Working drawings
  • Construction Proposal
  • Building Contract
  • Construct

At Jubilee Home Builders all our staff have vast experience in the industry.  As a leading Perth property development builder, we’re aware of the market and current trends. We can help you build an investment development for maximum profit. 

To get started on your next property development project in Perth, contact us via our website or call (08) 9571 3512

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